Telling the Stories of Coastal Delaware

By Lynn R. Parks
From the April 2021 issue


It was two decades ago. But Delaware Beach Life editor and publisher Terry Plowman remembers clearly how he felt just before getting his first glimpse of the magazine’s inaugural issue. 

“I’ll never forget the mix of excitement and nervousness when I was about to cut open a box of the very first issue,” says Plowman. “I had seen all the pages on a computer screen, but how would they look in print? When I pulled a copy of that first issue out of the box, it was a magical moment to see the magazine I had been thinking about and planning for several years.”

This issue marks the start of Delaware Beach Life’s 20th year. Plowman, who was editor of the Delaware Coast Press newspaper from 1993 through 1998 and owner of The Front Page Restaurant in Rehoboth Beach for 10 years before that, is proud of his publication, and of the comments he regularly hears from the public.

Ready or not, coastal Delaware will play host to the first family's resort getaways

By Bill Newcott  |  Illustration by Rob Waters
From the April 2021 issue


Hey, neighbors, meet Joe. 

Like a lot of us, Joe works in Washington, D.C., and has a little getaway place here near the beach. His wife, Jill, is a teacher and they have a lot of kids and grandkids who ramble around the six-bedroom place they bought about four years ago. 

Joe’s kind of an unassuming guy, so you might not even notice him if not for the concrete barriers at the end of his street whenever he’s around, the enormous helicopter that will be flying him into town for the next four years, the fleet of black Suburbans that accompany him everywhere he goes, and the Men in Black who surround him when he ducks into Lori’s Oy Vey Cafe on Baltimore Avenue for takeout.

Chances are you’ll especially notice Joe when you try to drive to Gordons Pond this summer and find yourself part of not only the usual caravan of cars heading for the state park — but also an untold number of gawkers slowing down, craning their necks, and hoping to catch a glimpse of Joe Biden, president of these United States of America. 

Piping Plovers on the Rebound.

By Lynn R. Parks   |  Photograph by Jay Fleming 
From the Winter 2020 issue


In March, piping plovers will begin arriving at their nesting grounds along the Delaware Bay, having flown north from their wintering spots in the southeastern U.S. and eastern Mexico. And if the past few years are any guide, they will have a successful breeding season.

This past spring, 21 pairs of Charadrius melodus nested at the Point in Cape Henlopen State Park and on Fowler Beach in the Prime Hook National Wildlife Refuge, and raised 51 offspring. Those are the highest numbers the state has seen since 1986, when the plover was placed on the state’s endangered species list and also listed as threatened in the United States.