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Delaware Beach Life is famous for its photography! Readers consider it a “coffee-table” magazine because of its award-winning scenic covers, its compelling photographic essays, and its beautifully illustrated feature stories. Those stories inside the magazine are often illustrated by our regular contributors: Scott Nathan, Carolyn Watson, Marc Clery and Tony Pratt.

Most of Delaware Beach Life’s cover images have been created by National Geographic veteran Kevin Fleming, a Lewes photographer who generously shares his knowledge with others — in fact, his proteges, including his son Jay, have shot most of the covers that do not feature Kevin’s work. Kevin has also contributed stunning photographic essays, which have often won awards in statewide and national competitions.

Delaware Beach Life has always spotlighted the work of other photographers on its last page, titled “Visual Vacation,” as well in its popular annual photography contest. And since the launch of its Facebook page, readers have been showing their own pictures there.

So, this section of our website is designed to share some of the photographic beauty that readers love. Click the following links to view some of our photographic essays, Visual Vacation images, readers’ pictures and contest winners. You can also find all the details about how to enter our photography contest.

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